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Learn 8 Brocades Qigong

#2 Drawing The Bow
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This is an online follow-along qigong video set of 8, that will take you through the ancient Chinese "8 Brocades" exercise. This is a great place to start learning about the benefits of qigong and experience the effects for yourself. Make this a part of your daily routine, and join the hundreds of thousands of others who credit this set with great health, mobility, and overall vitality.
~25 Minutes
What to expect
standing for long period
slight bend of knees
bending at the waist
extending arms
wide leg stance (wider than shoulder width)
rotating wrists
rotating shoulders
lifting at the ankles
Low Difficulty
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one time payment
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HIGH Difficulty
Balancing on one leg
Extended Dynamic squatting
Abrupt speed changes (strikes & Hits)
Dynamic coordination
Full body Exertion
What to expect
Dynamic spiral movements
~25 Minutes
This is an online follow-along qigong video set of 13+, that will take you through the Shaolin Qigong set dedicated to Luohan. This is a dynamic set of movements that cultivate strength, precision, and balance, all the while providing a beautiful and aesthetic expression of Chinese Kung Fu. Want a qigong set that will burn some calories and take your balance to the next level? Here's your chance!
Learn Shaolin Luohan 13 Qigong

#2 - Draping Coat (Instruction)
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